Hi I’m Karen. I am a mother, researcher and now a blogger. I started this blog to document a year where my family, and other families like mine, road test various methods of bringing peace to ourselves and our relationships. We are moving towards world peace, one family at a time 🙂

As we test ways to bring greater peace to our thoughts, words, actions and interactions, I am using this blog as an accountability partner. I blog about my family’s experiences and those of other families who are willing to participate in this ‘life experiment’. When I blog, the experiences I describe are real, however I change any identifying details (names, locations), in order to protect the privacy of all involved.

Thank you for joining us on our journey. Please experiment with peaceful habits, along with us, and let me know about your experiences. I know that together we can make a positive difference. Our intentions and our actions matter!

The Path to Inner Peace

Join us on the journey. Sign up below to our Adventure in Peace newsletter and you will receive a copy of our e-book, The Path to Inner Peace. Both the technical and short version.

Experiment with peaceful habits, along with us, and let me know about your experiences. Together we can make a positive difference. Our intentions, thoughts, words and actions matter!